general meeting
Third installment of Clojure
When: Tue April 15, 2025 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Speaker: Diego Martinez
Location: Bel Air #447 S.E.G.R.
This is our third installment of Clojure. Once again, it is at the Raley’s 447 in Natomas.
Sacramento Linux User Group is a computer users serving Sacramento and surrounding areas including the Republic of Davis. We strive to promote Linux, Free Software, Open Source, open standards, and to generally have a good time by hosting social events that educate, allow members to share ideas and knowledge and to build friendships.
We hold regular meetings on the third Tuesday with usually a social gathering. Meetings and membership are free and open to the public. Please sign up for the Lug Nuts mailing list
When: Tue April 15, 2025 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Speaker: Diego Martinez
Location: Bel Air #447 S.E.G.R.
This is our third installment of Clojure. Once again, it is at the Raley’s 447 in Natomas.
More talk on Clojure! Diego will give us more details to using Clojure. It should prove interesting!
This time we will learn how to create a new endpoint, read query parameters, and learn how to use cookies in Clojure.
Note that this meeting is at the Raley’s in Natomas at 6pm.
Social Meetup at Kupros. See you there. It appears that many of us have been using Thinkpads running GNU/Linux. Bring which gadget you have and hang out and socialize.
We will be at Bel Air Market at Arden. Please see the locations link to see the location.
Have you ever wanted to learn Lisp?
Clojure is a modern Lisp running on the Java Virtual Machine to build Web servers.
In this talk, we’ll learn a little bit about Lisp and its history and variants, understand how to operate Lisp systems, install Clojure, start a Compojure project, and build a simple Lisp-based web server in Compojure that will output a factorial function.
We will be at Kupros for this meeting. This will be a social hangout. Bring whatever gadget or your favorite project or questions (maybe we can answer), and socialize.
We will be at Kupros for this meeting. This will be a social hangout. Bring whatever gadget or your favorite project or questions (maybe we can answer), and socialize.
Thank you to everyone who came to this meeting!
We will return to Kupros for this meeting. This will be a social hangout. Bring whatever gadget or your favorite project or questions (maybe we can answer), and socialize.
When: Tue September 17, 2024 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Speaker: Brian E. Lavender and Diego Martinez
Location: Bel Air #502 S.E.G.R.
We will explore integrating a React application into Liferay per David Nebingers blog post, From React App to React Client Extension in 5 Easy Steps.
When: Tue August 20, 2024 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Speaker: Brian E Lavender and Diego Martinez
Location: Bel Air #502 S.E.G.R.
We will be at the Bel Aire Something Extra Gather Room again on Arden.
More hands on demo with Spring Boot and React.
We will continue to walk through various aspects of the Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript, Fourth Edition using Fedora 40.
Last session, we implemented various CRUD operations. We will continue the process. We will continue with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, yet perhaps add the security components to the REST layer and other aspects!
The 4th editon uses Gradle, React/Vue, and Typescript!
When: Tue July 16, 2024 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Speaker: Brian E. Lavender
Location: Bel Air #502 S.E.G.R.
We will be at the Bel Aire Something Extra Gather Room again on Arden.
The room has a large screen TV with HDMI in, so we will have some sort of hands on demo.
Just when you thought you had everything going with the older way of doing things, there is the 4th Edition!
We will walk through various aspects of the Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript, Fourth Edition using Fedora 40.
The 4th editon uses Gradle, React/Vue, and Typescript!
We will be back at Bel Aire in their meeting room.
We will walk through various aspects of the Full Stack Development with Spring Boot and React using Fedora 40.
sudo dnf install mariadb-server
Create the database and the user
create database cardb character set utf8;
TO 'brian'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Rockit2';
Spring resource to connect to mysql
Fix eclipse crashing. Add this to .bashrc
Verify nvm
configuration for the shell.
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
Start database
sudo service mariadb start
Check that user can connect to MariaDB
mysql -u brian -p cardb
Import Chapter 5 example code and modify
per book [Hinkula,238]. We will not have security settings for this demonstration.
Verify REST interface for cars with PostMan
Check npm conifuguration. Create carfront
skeleton and install
library dependencies [Hinkula,239].
npx create-react-app carfront
cd carfront
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
Add the components
folder to carfront
project [Hinkula,245]. Create
and add content.
Verify that the Spring Boot backend is running CardatabaseApplication
Start the React application from the terminal npm start
Social meetup at Kupros. Bring your gadget or just hang out talk GNU/Linux or whichever project you find interest in and/or working on.
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